This weekend, Dr. Dries Budding presented the ReceptIVFity test to German IVF colleagues at the annual symposium of DGRM and AGRBM, two German organizations for reproduction sciences. Several international speakers lectured about the latest developments and new possibilities within the field of human reproduction and fertility. The influence of the microbiome – in relation to the female reproduction organs – was one of the themes of the day.
Dr. Budding (clinical microbiologist of Amsterdam UMC) introduced and explained ReceptIVFity: the underlying Dutch multi center study, the microbiome profiling technique IS-Pro and the potentiality the test offers to physicians and women. Host and chairman Prof. Dr. Krüssel plenarily expressed his enthusiasm: ReceptIVFity is a new independent predictor of IVF succes. Another auspicious fact is that a LOW scoring profile seems to have the best chance of changing over the months following the test. At the same time it was announced that Dusseldorf University – in collaboration with IVF Berlin – will conduct further research into the variability of the LOW scoring microbiome with German IVF patients.
Following the presentation, many questions were raised about possible use of the test and conducting new further studies in other clinics. In short, again a positive step towards further roll out of the test in Germany.